Privacy Policy

Who We Are

Our website address is:

Personal Data Collection and Purpose


We gather info from the comment form when you post a comment on our site, like your comments, IP address, and browser details. This is to fight spam. If you use an email address to comment, we’ll turn it into a secret code (hash) and might share it with the xstdio service to check if you’re a user. Check out their privacy policy here: Once we okay your comment, your profile pic can be seen next to it.


If you’re adding pictures to the website, steer clear of ones that have your GPS (EXIF GPS) data. Other folks could snatch that location detail from pics on the site.

Contact Forms


If ya drop a comment, you can choose to save your name, email, and site in cookies. That’s for convenience, so you won’t have to re-type all that when you comment again. These cookies stick around for a year.

Do you have an account and log in here? We’ll set a quick cookie to see if your browser’s cool with cookies. It’s just temporary—no personal info and it’s gone when you shut your browser.

For logged-in users, we also create some cookies to remember your sign-in details and screen choices. The sign-in cookies are good for two days, and the screen-choice ones last for a year. Hit “Remember Me”, and your login keeps on for two weeks. Log out and those sign-in cookies vanish.

When you make changes to or publish an article, your browser will hold onto an additional cookie. This cookie doesn’t store any of your personal information. It only shows the ID number of the post you worked on and it’s gone after 24 hours.

Content from External Sites

Our site’s articles might have stuff like videos, images, and other articles baked into them. This content from other sites will act just as it would if you were actually on those other sites.

Those sites could gather info about you, use their cookies, tack on outside tracking systems, and keep an eye on how you interact with the embedded things, particularly if you’ve got an account and you’re signed in over there.

Data Analysis

Storing Your Info

If you drop a comment, we hang onto that comment and its details forever and ever. That way, we can spot and say okay to any later comments right away, instead of them getting stuck waiting for approval.

For folks who sign up on our site (if that’s a thing), we keep the deets they hand over in their profile. Anyone can peek at, tweak, or trash their info whenever they want — username is the only bit they can’t change. Our webmasters can also get into and fiddle with that information.

Your Rights to Your Data

If you’ve got an account here or have ever commented, you can hit us up for a file stuffed with all the personal data we’ve got on ya — that includes anything you’ve given us. On top of that, you can ask us to get rid of any personal info we have about you. We can’t wipe out anything we’re forced to keep for running the show, obeying the law, or keeping things secure though.


Our website features ads provided by our partners, and they might use cookies.

These small data files help ad servers pick up on your computer when they roll out an internet ad, gathering details about you or others using your device.

With this info, advertisers can aim their ads at you, targeting what they think you’ll like the most.

Now, just a heads-up, this Privacy Policy is all about how we use cookies at Bloggingos. We’re not responsible for what the ad folks are doing with their cookies.

Where Your Data Goes

Comments from visitors might go through a system that checks for spam automatically.

The plugin Simple SSL and its add-ons don’t handle personal info that can identify someone. That’s why GDPR rules don’t touch these plugins or how you use them on your site. Check out our privacy policy over here.

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