Difference between Class and Object: Decoding OOP Essentials

A class acts as a blueprint from which objects instantiate; an object is an instance of a class with actual existence. A class defines properties and behaviors, whereas an object embodies them.


difference between class and object in object-oriented programming? Understanding the distinction between a class and an object is fundamental in object-oriented programming (OOP). A class serves as a template that outlines the structure and capabilities that objects created from it will have. Think of a class as a sketch of a house—it depicts the house’s design but isn’t a house you can live in.


On the other hand, an object is like a physical house constructed from that design—a tangible entity with characteristics like color, number of floors, doors, etc. Every object shares the structure of its class but can have unique attribute values. This differentiation enables programmers to create diverse objects from a single class, ensuring an organized and efficient approach to coding that’s easier to maintain and scale. By encapsulating data and functions within classes, developers can build adaptable and secure programs, illustrating why OOP is a widely embraced programming paradigm.


Class Vs. Object

Understanding the difference between class and object is crucial in object-oriented programming (OOP). It helps to structure and manage the code effectively. To grasp the fundamental aspects of OOP, let’s dive into class vs. object.


In OOP, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines properties and behaviors. An object, meanwhile, is an instance of a class. It demonstrates the class’s defined characteristics in action.


The purpose of a class is to outline and design a particular type of data structure. Objects bring that structure to life, holding real values and allowing programmers to manipulate the data.

Core Differences

Aspect Class Object
Type Template Instance
Definition Logical entity Physical entity
Usage Defines properties/behaviors Represents entities

We can see the difference between class and object in JavaScript, as well as in PHP. In JavaScript, the class syntax was introduced in ES6 to create objects. In PHP, classes serve as the foundation for creating objects that interact with databases.

  • Objects can be created from classes; classes cannot.
  • Many objects for one class; only one definition for a class.
  • Objects hold data; classes do not.
Difference between Class and Object: Decoding OOP Essentials
Credit: www.inspiritai.com



Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is key to crafting great code. A big part of OOP is knowing the difference between class and object. Both have attributes, that are like their DNA. Let’s explore what makes class attributes and object attributes unique.

Class Attributes

A class is like a blueprint. Class attributes are settings that every object created from the class shares. Think of them like the default settings on a new phone.

  • Shared: Every object has these settings.
  • Static: They don’t change unless the class itself changes.

Here’s a simple example in JavaScript:

class Car {
    static totalWheels = 4; // Class attribute

Object Attributes

An object is a specific instance created from a class. Object attributes are unique to each instance. Like your phone’s wallpaper and ringtone.

  • Unique: Each object has its attributes.
  • Variable: They can change without affecting other objects.

Here’s a practical example in PHP:

class Car {
    public $color; // Object attribute

$myCar = new Car();
$myCar->color = 'blue'; // Setting the object attribute
Class Attributes Object Attributes
Same for all instances Each instance has its own
Defined once Defined for each object

Remember: The difference between class and object in JavaScript or PHP extends from the way they are defined to the attributes they hold.


Understanding the difference between class and object is key in Object-Oriented Programming. We often mix up these concepts. But, their methods help us tell them apart. Let’s dive in and clear up any confusion surrounding these ideas.

Class Methods

Class methods are like blueprints within a class. They define actions for future objects. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Class methods live within the class definition.
  • They often perform operations using class variables.
  • In many languages, they use the static keyword.

An example in JavaScript would be:

class Car {
  static totalCars = 0; 
  static addCar() {

PHP uses a different syntax:

class Car {
  public static $totalCars = 0;
  public static function addCar() {

Object Methods

Object methods are actions specific to an object instance. They can be:

  • Called on individual objects, not on the class.
  • Used to modify an object’s state or data.

In JavaScript, creating an object method looks like this:

class Car {
  constructor(color) {
    this.color = color;
  changeColor(newColor) {
    this.color = newColor;
let myCar = new Car('red');

In PHP, you’d write it as:

$myCar = new Car('red');

The difference between class and object in methods can seem nuanced. Yet, understanding it is crucial for clean, effective programming.


Understanding the difference between class and object in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is key to creating effective software. The relationship part dives into how classes and objects interact and work together.

Class And Object Relationship

A class is like a blueprint, while an object is a copy made from that blueprint. Think of a class as a drawing of a house. An object is an actual house built using that drawing. This means, without a class, you can’t create an object.

  • Classes define properties and behaviors.
  • Objects are instances that hold data and use class-defined methods.


In OOP, multiplicity describes how many objects a single class can generate. One class can create many objects, just as one house plan can produce many homes.

Class Object Multiplicity
Blueprint Real-world instance 1:N

Understanding this concept is crucial in different programming languages such as JavaScript and PHP. The difference between class and object in JavaScript and the difference between class and object in PHP hinges on this relationship and multiplicity.


The concept of ‘Flexibility’ in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a pivotal aspect of its power and utility. Understanding the difference between a class and an object is crucial for grasping OOP. Let’s dive into the inherent flexibility of classes and objects, unpacking how this flexibility allows for scalable and maintainable code structures. Both have their unique adaptations that cater to diverse programming needs.

Class Flexibility

A class serves as a blueprint from which objects are created. The flexibility of a class lies in its ability to define properties and behaviors that are shared across multiple objects. Think of a class as a mold for shaping play dough—the mold can be used repeatedly to produce similar shapes that can then be customized.

  • In JavaScript, classes provide a clear and concise way to create multiple objects that share the same structure (difference between class and object in JavaScript).
  • In PHP, classes can implement interfaces and use traits, offering more flexibility for code organization (difference between class and object in PHP).

Object Flexibility

Each object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class that can interact with other objects in a modular fashion. This allows for the freedom to create specific interactions between tangible entities in your code.

Feature Object Flexibility
State Objects can maintain their state independently.
Behavior Objects can have unique behaviors apart from their class.
Life Cycle Each object can be created and destroyed individually.

The difference between class and object is like that between a recipe and a meal. A recipe can create many meals, but each meal can have its unique twist. Embrace the flexibility in classes to set the stage and in objects to bring the play to life.

Difference between Class and Object: Decoding OOP Essentials
Credit: realpython.com




Difference between Class and Object: Decoding OOP Essentials
Credit: sunscrapers.com




Frequently Asked Questions Of Difference Between Class And Object In Object Oriented Programming


What Is the Difference Between Class And Object In Oops?


A class is a blueprint defining properties and behaviors. An object is an instance of a class, embodying the defined attributes and methods.


What Is The Difference Between Object-oriented Programming And Classes?


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that utilizes classes and objects. Classes are blueprints for creating objects, which are instances of classes with specific attributes and behaviors. OOP involves inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, while classes are the structure within OOP.


What Is The Difference Between Class Based And Object Oriented?


Class-based refers to a programming paradigm centered around defining reusable blueprints for objects, while object-oriented encompasses a broader set of principles concerning inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and objects, which can include class-based methodologies.


What Is The Difference Between Object And Class Models?


A class model defines a blueprint for objects, detailing attributes and behaviors. An object model represents specific instances of a class, each with actual values and states.




Understanding the nuances between classes and objects is crucial for any developer navigating the realm of object-oriented programming. Classes provide the blueprint while objects are the tangible instances, each playing a vital role. With this clarity, you can craft efficient code and design robust applications.


Embrace these concepts, and watch your programming skills flourish.

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